This elegant and harmonious blend takes on a richer and slightly spicier character, gently unfurling into an irresistibly creamy aftertaste with warm notes of leather, roasted nuts, and black pepper.
Escurio cigars provide notes of pepper, chocolate, liquorice, and coffee with a spicy and salty finish. Truly exceptional.
The refined Davidoff Millennium give intense notes of roasted coffee, wood, licorice, chocolate, and caramel together with a spicy aftertaste. One of the best cigars on the market.
A Nicaraguan Puro that offers powerful notes of white pepper, roasted coffee, and dark bitter chocolate, blended with a 10-year old Nicaraguan Habano Rosado wrapper.
The Davidoff Signature delivers the perfect combination of complexity and balance. The use of San Vicente Visus tobacco adds pronounced notes of oak and cedar wood, creating a pleasingly complex cigar, allowing creamy, sweet and citrus notes to surface.
The Churchill format was named after Sir Winston Churchill, as it was his favorite format to enjoy. The cigar is impressive and complex, with its elegant size and sophisticated rich flavors from a multi-origin blend creating balanced notes of chocolate, wood and spice.
Featuring tobacco aged in the finest Scotch single malt whisky casks. This Churchill format provides intense robust flavors of black pepper, dark sweet coffee, dark chocolate, vintage leather, wood and spice, creating tantalizing palate stimulation and a rich bold aroma. Rated a 98 by
An exceptionally rich and unique cigar grown in the Yamasa valley in the Dominican Republic, this cigar provides notes of rich leather, earth, wood, and cocoa.
The Davidoff Primeros Classics are hand-rolled with premium, short filler tobacco leaves the same leaves used for the Davidoff No. 2. This convenient 6-cigar metal pack is impeccably crafted for aficionados looking to beautifully fill a few moments of time with the pure pleasures afforded by the iconic Davidoff lines.
The Davidoff 9-Cigar Assortment Box includes: 1 - Davidoff Millennium Blend Robusto (5.2" x 50) 1 - Davidoff Anniversario No.3 (6" x 50) 1 - Davidoff Special 'R' (4.9" x 50) 1 - Davidoff Special 'T' (6" x 52) 1 - Davidoff No. 2 (6" x 38) 1 - Davidoff Short Perfecto (4.9" x 52) 1 - Davidoff Grand Cru No. 2 (5.6" x 43) 1 - Davidoff 2000 (5" x 43) 1 - Davidoff 1000 (4.6" x 34)
Davidoff Gift Selection 12 Cigar Sampler contains one of each: Davidoff Signature No. 2 Davidoff Signature 2000 Davidoff Signature 4000 Davidoff Grand Cru No. 4 Davidoff Grand Cru No. 2 Davidoff Aniversario Short Perfecto Davidoff Aniversario Special R Davidoff Aniversario No. 3 Davidoff Aniversario Special T Davidoff Millennium Petit Corona Davidoff Millennium Robusto Davidoff Millennium Piramides
Each Davidoff Premium Selection 12 Cigar Assortment Box Contains: 1 - Signature No. 2 1 - Signature 2000 1 - Signature 4000* 1 - Grand Cru No. 4* 1 - Grand Cru No. 2 1 - Aniversario Short Perfecto 1 - Aniversario Special R 1 - Anniversaries No. 3 1 - Aniversario Special T 1 - Millennium Petit Corona 1 - Millennium Robusto 1 - Millennium Piramides * Only available in Sampler
Experience three unconventional tobacco filler leaves, together with a hand selected Piloto tobacco binder and the proprietary 702 Habano Ecuadorian wrapper. This unique selection produces bold notes of coffee, spice, nuts, and leather. Medium to full-bodied.
Fresh white pepper spice notes, with light oak wood, nuts and licorice. Together with its sweetness, this cigar provides the smoker with an intense, yet well-balanced smoke, with a very creamy aroma and flavor. Mild to medium-bodied.